Myopia Control

Myopia, or near-sightedness, not only affects visual clarity but also poses significant risks to eye health and overall well-being. That's why we take proactive measures to address myopia, particularly in children and adults, through comprehensive myopia control initiatives.

Myopia control is crucial because it not only improves visual acuity but also helps mitigate the progression of myopia, reducing the likelihood of developing high myopia and associated complications later in life. By implementing effective myopia control strategies early, we aim to safeguard vision health and enhance quality of life for individuals at every stage.

For children, myopia control is especially vital as myopia tends to develop and progress rapidly during the formative years. By intervening early with evidence-based treatments such as specialty contact lenses, orthokeratology, or pharmaceutical interventions, we can slow down or even halt the progression of myopia, thus reducing the risk of future vision-threatening complications.

However, myopia control isn't limited to children. We recognise that myopia progression can continue into adulthood, and its impact on eye health remains a concern throughout life. Therefore, our myopia control initiatives extend to adults as well, offering tailored solutions to manage and control myopia effectively.

Stellest lenses

Discover Essilor Stellest lenses, an innovative answer for managing myopia, currently available at Eye Lab Optometry. Featuring a distinct design, the Stellest lens ensures myopia correction and crisp vision with a centralised clear zone. Powered by advanced HALT technology, comprising of 11 surrounding rings, it sends signals to slow down myopia progression effectively.

MiSight Contact Lenses

MiSight contact lenses are daily disposables lenses designed with a specific focus on myopia management. The central section of these lenses corrects refractive errors, employing a technology similar to OrthoKeratology. It utilises a unique dual-focus design, where concentric rings in the peripheral area redirect light to focus precisely on the retina. This innovative approach substantially diminishes stimuli triggering elongation of the eye.


Orthokeratology (OrthoK) is a non-invasive technique employing custom-made rigid gas permeable contact lenses to temporarily alter the curvature of the cornea, addressing vision issues like myopia (short-sightedness) or astigmatism. These lenses are worn overnight during sleep, gradually reshaping the cornea to offer clear daytime vision without the dependence on glasses or regular contact lenses.


Increasingly, low-dose Atropine eye drops are emerging as a viable method for controlling myopia (short-sightedness). This treatment option is suitable for both young children and teenagers. Typically, Atropine eye drops are used to temporarily dilate the pupils, halting the eyes' focusing ability. However, when administered in low doses nightly, Atropine has demonstrated effectiveness in slowing down or halting the progression of myopia. Patients are advised to continue wearing their prescription glasses or contact lenses during the day.